Hello everybody,
We all need to calm down. Please.
Why not make this weekend a forum-free one? 😊
I am pretty calm, but the Problem of personal aggressions tolerated without any public correction by the admins will remain as long you accept that users are call by others "psychotic", "mentally ill" "the most toxic" etc.
You know that this is of course nothing which will be wiped out by one weekend, as long those who show that misbehavior dont realise that they are responsioble for what they are doing and not longer supported by the admins who tolerates that the comunication in this Forum is continously damaged with getting inapropriatly personal like that.
As I said: name me any concrete inapropriate behavior you can find in any of my postings and I will correct it and care for to keep of that in future, but stay reasonable and do not perseciute just one person without any concrete reaqson for what many people do here more than concrete again and again, but consequently correct the wrong behavior no matter who ever might be responsible for.