- the single "virtual" MICwhat exactly do you mean with "virtual Mic"? There is no real recording of the library in the Synchron stage from different real mics like in the Synchron series, but just a MIR impulse response, simulating a virtual MIcrophone, in a stage position similar to the Synchron libraries. Then the âmicâ in the mixer is a virtual one, and not a real one, thatâs the way synchronized libraries are mixed with synchron libraries in synchron player.
Sorry to talk about Microphone Positions makes sens, when you want to describe the acoustic difference of recordings made freom different positions. To talk about "Virtual" Mirccrophone would make in my humble opinion therefor only sens if you simulate the effect of differen acoustic perspectivs with different simiulated acoustics. As long there is only one recording at all, however processed than this is all we have there is nothing mixable as you would expect when you talk about Microphone positions. The Synchronized Patches might include the Synchron Ambniance simulated in MIR dfor the position where they would be expected, but Mir does not simulate different Microphone-Posaitions but only the position of a certain source in the room. This makes in my humble opinion of course a virtual Position and its certain ambiance. But this has scarcly anything to do with any difference of any Microphonepositions. Thats why I still think this term is not very appropriate applied to the synchrtonized Libraries. Please correct me I am wrong in anmy of my assumptions. But currently I would not use it like you do.