However what we currently are able to mix in MIR is nothing more than the Dry + wet ratio.
That's definitely not the case (unless the statement is just misworded).
As I already pointed out, you simply missed to carefully understand my point before stating what ever is the case or not.
Mir does defenitly not offer the possibility to simulate a couple of different virtual microphonepositions that could be mixed in any similar way to the microphonepositions of the synchron series but calculate the result for one main output. That was the reason why I just asked Fatis, what he meant with the term "virtual microphone" talking about the Synchronized Product including the simulated Synchron ambiance while VSL as far as I know does not make use of any term like that to characterize the synchronized Products.
Like you I also regrett very much that Fatis entered so much misleading and completly unnecessary personal aggression instead of just frankly answering my simple and pretty polite question.
Since I see that after all even you seem to have some problems to figure out what exactly was the question. I hope I was able to shed some light on this strange discussion.