Anyway, for the information of others, it’s enough to read the VSL MIR Pro manual: please go to page 20, point 4, line 2, and learn from the words of VSL what a “virtual microphone” is.
Please read a bit more carefully This sentence is about the "meta format called Ambisonics" in which the Impuls responses for MIR have been recorded based on which the Output for the MIR Main output is calculated. But this does not change tha fact, that the Main Output of MIR is nothing but the Main Output givining you the whole simulated ambiance.. Beside the factg, that MIR does simulate the Synchron Venue and this is Part of the synchronized Liobnraries I dont see any direct relation, to the fact that a synchronized Library offers only one Recording from this Main Output in opposite to a couple of different mixable real "Microphone positions"
(And please try just to stay with the arguments we are talking about in this thread. No one is really interested here what ever you think about my person or niot.)