While I share you appreciation for Dimension Strings to be honest it was exactly the Dimension-Strings-Library providing a complete sampleset restricted on each of the four violinstrings which was so difficult to make reasonable available in a universal Dimensionstring-VI-Preset which (among other usability aspect) made me suggesting five years ago a multidimensional Articulation selection System which is now for the first time realised in the Synchron Player.
I just asked myself: if I just want to have my passage restriced on another String, while keeping all already defined Articulation-characteristics, why does VI forces me to search and load each single patch again? With the Treestructure it is possible to jiust change this single Detail of my sampleselection, while keep all other settings for the articulation selection. That is the reason why I still think it would make very muich sens to synchronize the dimensionstrings to.
I understand, that everybody who has established his own workflow with a running Software, is afraid to adapt it to a new technology, However on one hand they made the Synchron-Player so extremly customizable, that everybody should be able ti continue to reproduce his own way to work with Orchestrasamples, while on the other hand there are advantages, for which I believe it is worth to give it a chance.
OK since my workflow is based on VI Presets conceived already very similar to the Tree-Structure of the Synchronh-Player for me there was nearly anything really new and as you know I was quite early (if not the first) who was able to work seriously, pretty efficient and porductive with the new Synchron-Player.
In short: while VI was until now the most sophisticated and poweful orchestral sample player, believe me the Synchron-Player even compared to that is an incredible powerful step ahead in Playertechnology for Orchestral samples. And the more Libraries are available the more attractive it becomes.