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  • Synchron Strings free live training - invitation to all forum members

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    Dear musicians and members of the VSL community,

    I would like to invite you to join me for a free live Synchron Strings training on 26th of May, 10:00 AM Central European Time.

    Due to a number of requests, I will be doing a 2nd session on the same day, at 9:00 AM PDT (LA time) - 12 AM EDT (NY time).

    In this training, we will be covering library's content & structure, mic positions, some basic layering techniques and more, including detailed walkthroughs of two Synchron Strings setups that you can then immediately begin to use.

    Register now to claim your spot – and if you stay through the training and join me in the live Questions & Answers section I will be holding immediately afterwards, there will be a valuable additional bonus awaiting you as a thank you for your time and attendance.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!


    P.S. If you'll have any further questions on the event, just post a reply here or send me a PM. You can also mail me directly at art-of-vsl[at]

  • Hello Goran,

    thanks for this friendly invitation! Will you perform on the Synchron Strings Player on 26th?


  • Are you sure, that we have the Synchron-player available at the 26th???

    Since without it does not make that much sense, since imho Synchron strings in the VI-Player is like working with a pretty tedious workaround, we all hope to get rid of as soon as possible.


    Not sure, but there must be a (secret) reason for this invitation and I'd bet that VSL will deliver their Player one or two days before schooling ;) ... We will see ...

  • @Lars

    Sure, I look forward to seeing you there!

    This training session will (mostly) focus on topics such as library structure & patches, VEP template building, mic positions and their combinations &, last but not least, some basic layering techniques with string instruments from the VI Series (which is a very powerful feature of the VI (PRO) player).

    However, the 2nd live training event I'll be doing this summer (exact time will depend on the release of the Synchron Player) will be dedicated exclusively to the new player and its features (especially in combination with Synchron Strings). 

    Have to disagree with that statement. Synchron Strings actually work great with VI (PRO) (as both examples  discussed in live training will demonstrate), and I believe that they will continue to be used in VI (PRO) quite a lot, especially considering the enormous potential offered by layering them with VI Series strings.

    Even if this feature will become possible in the new Synchron Player (which may or may not be the case - we'll know soon enough), I believe that experienced VI PRO users will continue to use the library with both players - considering the vast power and unique flexibility of VI (PRO)'s musical parameters and sound/articulation sculpting options, I myself will certainly continue to do so. 

  • Would you consider holding the training later in the day? Pretty early for those of us in the US...

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • I agree with you Goran that both Players will be used in the future. I remember that Paul in his presentation gave the impression that the VI-Pro Sequencer will probably be no topic for the Synchron Player. This VI-Pro Sequencer ist good to create scaleruns-presets. So everyone who likes it will stay with VI Pro. Great to know that there will be two appointments. Thank you!

  • I have to disagree about the usability of Synchron Strings in the VI Pro player. The workflow with multiple mic positions is so cumbersome that I'm not touching the library until the Synchron Player is out. Which by the sound of things won't be happening even in May.

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    @Bill said:

    Would you consider holding the training later in the day? Pretty early for those of us in the US...

    Hi Bill, here are some good news for you 😊

    Due to a number of requests I have decided to do a 2nd live training session on the same day, which will be 9 AM PDT (LA time) and 12 am EDT (NY time).

    This way VSL users and all interested musicians residing in countries of the Western Hemisphere will be able to both attend the training and be eligible for additional learning materials.

    Using the same registration link you can now choose which of the two sessions you would like to attend.

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    @LAJ said:

    I agree with you Goran that both Players will be used in the future. I remember that Paul in his presentation gave the impression that the VI-Pro Sequencer will probably be no topic for the Synchron Player. This VI-Pro Sequencer ist good to create scaleruns-presets. So everyone who likes it will stay with VI Pro.

    Exactly, the VI PRO sequencer is an another feature that is invaluable to many users and an another case in point for Synchron Strings being used with both players, always depending on the tasks at hand. 


    If you come to the event I can show you how easy and neat can it be to set up a good sounding (and very flexible) multi-mic Synchron Strings template using VI (PRO) 😊

    But, for all users interested in the new player only, I will be holding an another live training event, dedicated solely to the Synchron Player, 

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    @GoranTch said:


    If you come to the event I can show you how easy and neat can it be to set up a good sounding (and very flexible) multi-mic Synchron Strings template using VI (PRO) 😊

    Already signed up 😊

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    @JimmyHellfire said:

    Already signed up 😊

    Great, looking forward to seeing you there!

  • Seems As If The Synchronplayer Realises Nearly Exactly What I Suggested Already 5 Years Ago/270182

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    Yes, honestly. Feel free to visit the event and take a look at how well the library works with VI (PRO) 😉

  • Well I'm sure it "works" once it's set up ... but that's after you already did all the absolutely ridiculous setup work 4 - 7 times over on a patch per patch basis because the player doesn't recognize mic positions and the respective samples.

    SyS with VE PRO works fine ... if you're a pensioner who can't leave the house anyway and has thrombosis.

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    @GoranTch said:


    Yes, honestly. Feel free to visit the event and take a look at how well the library works with VI (PRO) 😉

    Of course and Charles Lindberg crossed the Atlantic just with a little propeller driven aeroplane and this was indeed very tough .

    But sorry since there are still so much other things worth to spend my time for I'll nevertheless prefer using the businessclass 😛

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    @JimmyHellfire said:

    SyS with VE PRO works fine ... if you're a pensioner who can't leave the house anyway and has thrombosis.
    This sentence made me LMAO😂 (the sentence of the WE) Let‘s see what Goran is coming up with. I am sure that there will be „aha experiences“.

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    @LAJ said:

    Let‘s see what Goran is coming up with.

    Wise words. 😎

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    Only one week left until the Synchron Strings live training event on the 26th of May!

    Register now to save your spot!

    (Remember: if you want but for any reason can't attend the live event, do register anyway - you'll get a replay link that will be available for 48 hours)

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

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    @LAJ said:

    Let‘s see what Goran is coming up with.

    Wise words. 😎


    Lets summarize:

    The Synchronplayer which is still not available for Strings I and Percussion does need a complete different Contentformat.

    Do you really believe anyone would spent another Terabyte SSD-Storage to keep VI and Synchron-Player format both parallel available only to do some workarounds which are only necessary as long there is no better player available?

    And even if you will be lucky enough to get one or two days before you try to teach whatever the new Synchronplayer content downloaded, do you really think anyone would have had even enough time to work with to ask reasonable questions about its usage or even be able to teach anyone base on what exprience????

    I'am sorry, "let's see what VSL is coming up" seem to be in the very moment actually the wiser words. After a year we can talk again and who knows who might be able to inspire whom (At leasat I fear it remains even than very true, that own pratical expirience would be a good fundament to talk about). But without any practical expirence of anyone, that does not seem to be that "wise" to me.....