Windows 8.1. This is an i7 PC, 64G Ram, SSDs, etc.
Hybrid Reverb will crash even a basic blank project with nothing but one FX bus with one instance of Hybrid Reverb. Once Cubase is closed, that project will crash as long as Hybrid Reverb is availble to load (I have to remove it from the VST3 folder to open those projects).
Yesterday only a latency of 128 seemed to work, but today it is back to 512, or so it seems. There may be some sequence of "default" vs. saved presets vs. saving a project with unsaved Hybrid Rev settings that contributes to when 512 works or doesn't. But regardless, it will crash at any other setting, and often with 512 as well.
Pro works fine, so something was changed in the Pro version vs. the standard version that fixes this.
I have a crash dump from one of my tests just now with Cubase 9.5 that I will send to Steinberg, but it will likely be a couple of weeks before they are back from the holidays to check it.