Yeah, this temp track problem is a haunting one in film soundtracks... However, as William says, the great composer does conform to the director's instructions but makes the temp music his own. Great examples include Jarre's Lawrence of Arabia (Born Free imposed temp track) and Goldsmith's Star Trek I (the whole of Star Wars as a temp track was "politely" imposed, as if anybody could imitate that...).
Wow I didnt know that Goldsmith was given Star Wars as a temp track and then later created music like Star Trek. Now that is something incredible and inspiring. How do you make a 'come back' after given the colossal filmscore like Star wars, and that too create another amazing peice of sci-fi score that sounds good and different!
comparing with tennis. Its like being down 2 sets playing against Federer and later coming back to equalize (I wouldnt say win becaiuse I respect both Goldsmith and JW equally although I consider JW is the greater of the two).
very very inspiring to know that composers like these existed. And Hermann too of course. This thread has reignited my interest in Hermann and hope to listen to more of his scores.