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  • VEPro 6 and Digital Performer pregen

    Okay I know that VEPro 6 and DP's pregen don't get along and even says as much in the VEPro manual which is good. The problem I am having is MOTU in their infinite wisdom took out the ability to globally turn off pregen in the preferences in DP in verrsions after 9.02. To keep a plugin from going into pregen mode you have to keep the plugin gui open and make a selection to do so in a mini menu in whatever plugin is being used.


    Being I'm working in one computer with one screen what gui do I have to keep open - the client window, the server gui or what? I'm still on DP9.02 because of this issue but would love to update to DP9.51 because of the additions to the program. Can't ask over in Motunation because I'm not a member there and the DP forum on Gearslutz is crickets for the most part and knows precious about using VEPro & DP.

  • MOTU needs to start their own forum site... Motunation is more or less a dictatorship and it is very hard to voice a problem or opinion about DP without incurring wrath by its moderator or his other minions...

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    @crescentmoon52_8709 said:

    MOTU needs to start their own forum site... Motunation is more or less a dictatorship and it is very hard to voice a problem or opinion about DP without incurring wrath by its moderator or his other minions...

    Tell me about it; was a member there twice. The first time James more or less booted me and the second time I left on my own due to repeated harassment from the regulars. There were a couple of good people there but not enough to make me want to stay there. I really don't want to turn this thread into a slagging of that forum or the people that rule it.


    MOTU will never start their own forum because they have Motunation to pick up the slack.

  • There is an MOTU FaceBook Group which is quite active.  Its worth joining there to keep up-to-date with MOTU information.  Also, it seems there are more film scoring people with big rigs on the MOTU FB group than on Motunation.  And on the FB group, you can freely say pretty much what you want.

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    @synergy543 said:

    There is an MOTU FaceBook Group which is quite active.  Its worth joining there to keep up-to-date with MOTU information.  Also, it seems there are more film scoring people with big rigs on the MOTU FB group than on Motunation.  And on the FB group, you can freely say pretty much what you want.

    I don't do Fakebook anymore. Like I said I don't want to turn this into a rant against any other forum or group. I've too much respect for VSL to drag them through this. I just want help with the original question. And if you have nothing to contribute to that then thanks but no thanks.

  • If you don't do facebook I guess there's nothing you can do.... by the way.... the definition of a forum is..  a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.  This is a forum....

  • Oh well - doesn't look like I'm going to get an answer to the question I raised. I tried and I asked but no response to the question.