Sorry I fear you again completly lost the track of the original argumentation. This thread is not about who has programmed how much how long and how complex pieces. My only point was that if you ever programmed a couple of pieces where one single movement is not 2-3 or 7-8 minutes but up to 20-30 minutes with an ambitious brilliant composer and a largescale Orchestra - at least this was my experience - it is especially in that situation very necessary to organize the whole variety VSL-provides to keep it always available, since you easily need most of it. And therefore the whole usage must be very much streamliined to keep enough awareness for the musical context of the composition as for the ensemble. I know that myself that this problem is not that urgent as long you just program smaller movements between of mostly 2-3 or even 6-8 minutes. So please keep in mind what we are actually discussing here.
I fear fahl5 that you weren't able to understand William's point. Don't misundertand me, you do fine work with VSL fahl5, however composing and making mockups are 2 different worlds, I already stated that, I know, but you think it's the same. Mockups demand more of an architectural organization, I have done a fair share, so I do know. Composing using VI, is different, and it might be hard for you to understand this since you don't have experience in that field, at least as far as I can see, so might be better you don't compare areas you are not qualified for, (as you elegantly previously said). For composers using virtual instruments, it is not unusual they could end with up between 50 and 300 tracks, among other complexe creative features, and personally, I've often used VSL in pretty innovative ways which is also the thrill of working with VI, being creative within the tools you have, so the complexity and process here is different, the piece is constantly in experimental stages, not just with new ideas but how they would work with the articulations available. and I could go on. This is specifically why I don't like to use templates, because the moment I have one, I want to do things differently the next time. The production of a a 6-8 min composition, can be far more complex than a 30 min mockup, and vice versa, you are comparing apple with oranges. I could speak about some of my works and their complexities but since you seem only aware of my Christmas Carols, Fa,la, la, la, la, and My Oktoberfest, you probably wouldn't be able to know what I'm talking about. I would certainly not argue how Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman like to work, because they have different kind of complexities that you are likely to be unfamiliar with.
I actually never "compared" composing and programming an interpretation of an existing music. You should look in Williams postings if you want to know who compares anything like that.
By the way I am aware of not more and not less than what I can find online of your music.
Could you please delete annoying allusions to my name this does not prove any objective or reasonable way to comunicate more over it disturbes very strong the discussion with personal aggressions. So please respect Dietz demand for a respectful way to comunicate as I still do and will not sdtop to do even when other Participants do not.
You obviously misunderstood me completlty if you believe that I do not know the point of view of a composer, I never said that anywhere, moreover I indicated that I of course composed when ever this has been in any way interesting for me and of course even up to an quarter hour duration. So it is nothing new for me what you say about the difference of composing and interpretation of music with samples. However I merely confessed that I never was interested in Filmmusic composing and therefore did not have any own expirience to compose filmusic based on which I would judge or comment anything which is like filmmusic.