Hi again,
well, I thought that you had the Pro Edition also! Then itĀ“s very clear, that you should get GS 3. GS 3.04 seems to be quite stable.
Up to now you had to use, e.g., 2 MIDI channels to get a "normal" perf-leg and, letĀ“s say, a "perf-leg_port". With GS3, these programs are on 1 MIDI channel, and you switch between those two Performance Legatos with the ModWheel (I did that in the Promotion Video:
http://www.vsl.co.at/shop/reality.asp">http://www.vsl.co.at/shop/reality.asp, very intuitive playing, especially with Strings).
AND there are sus-blend programs available, that let you play long target notes with ALL Performance Legatos. You simply switch to a long note after the transition....
and lots more.
For detailed info, simply download the GS 3 art-files you find in the user area www.vsl.co.at/user => updates => art files (GS3), you will find a mapping documentation included.
Best wishes, Paul