Hi, I've been debating between East/West Hollywood Orchestra and the Special Edition Volume 1 bundle here (very similar pricing), and I'm learning towards the Special Edition because I'm approaching my music with a sound design philosophy, for which EW's stuff isn't as flexible and doesn't give me as wide a range of timbres to work with.
However, there's one issue I'm stuck on, and it's round robins. I love being able to repeat several notes without machine-gunning, for which I believe at least 4 round robins are necessary for sounding natural. I've heard that all short notes only have two round robins in the SE (which is a huge weakness compared to EW's offering, to me, but somewhat workable when you use dynamic layers to your advantage), but the Volume 1 Plus adds performance repetitions. I saw another thread about this, but it wasn't really clear - does this add more round robins to the spiccato/staccato, or what? I saw that the intervals between repetitions were sampled, but I can't tell if it adds more round robins. I'm a bit confused about what they actually are. Can anyone clarify?
Also, I'm concerned about round robins on percussion, since rhythmic elements are very susceptible to machine-gunning. How many are provided there? I use heavy amounts of percussion.