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  • legato loops

    Is there a way to loop the legato samples? I'd love to be able to have a note sustain and still get the amazing realism of legato. Is there anyone that uses the legato that way (as a sustain+legato)?

    (I'll post this over at the Halion forum too since I am a Halion user)


  • It will be possible with the new GS 3.0 art files ... (I think)

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    It will be possible with the new GS 3.0 art files ... (I think)

    This would be great!

  • so its impossible right now...?

    while I'm at it - how can I get a good transition from the piano legato to the forte legato (since they are two different programs)

    I appreciate it!


  • I have also found it slightly annoying that the perf.legatos are so short. It is a bit time consuming to have to crossfade the legatos into longer sustained notes and back again. (Maybe not the best explanation, but those who have done this knows...)

  • While I have not tried them, there are patches now with GS3 which alow you to blend a legato note into a sustain note.

    As for the blending of p and f its fabulous. The difference between the volume level of p and f is a bit too much for my taste so ill be fixing this myself in the editor (jay has told me how)

  • Even the sustains on the solo woods are only 6 sec - for some things thats just not long enough. And thats why I would still need to I thought if I'm going to spend time looping I might as well loop the legato since its so much more real sounding (also the oboe and clarinet sustains in Opus one have NO vibrato!)

    Does any one know if there are looped woods and vibrato samples in the Pro edition?

    And if anyone knows how to loop those legato samples I'd love to know!!


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    @calaf5 said:

    Even the sustains on the solo woods are only 6 sec - for some things thats just not long enough. And thats why I would still need to I thought if I'm going to spend time looping I might as well loop the legato since its so much more real sounding (also the oboe and clarinet sustains in Opus one have NO vibrato!)

    Does any one know if there are looped woods and vibrato samples in the Pro edition?

    And if anyone knows how to loop those legato samples I'd love to know!!


    I wouldn't want to hear a clarinet with vibrato in a classical set-up, but unfortunately the oboe is also without. I believe this is why there is a separate "French Oboe" to be purchased if you so desire.
