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    @goran_tsch said:

    [...] Your mention of the use of compressor on all instruments caught my attention: was the purpose of this having a tighter overall dynamic range for each instrument or something else?

    If I'm allowed to chime in here: I assume that over and all Guy likes the additional "glue" that a bit of compression can add to the performance of sampled instruments. Using comparatively low thresholds, ratios of 1:1.2 or 1.5 with just a few dB of gain reduction every now and then is all that's needed, most of the time. ... and if you're using Vienna Suite's Compressor, the optional "FAT" will add some warm, glowing saturation, too - especially nice on solo instruments! 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    ok, thanks for sharing this - I'll try this method out on some solo parts ;-)

  • Maybe I should add something since I've gone this far, and not to mislead anybody. I always first complete the piece without any compression anywhere, making sure it's to my taste, dynamics and all, only then I start thickening the sound, and making sure it adds body but without affecting the dynamic range or the least possible. Maybe I take it for granted, but balancing this in the final step shouldn't be under estimated. 

  • Thought so, to me this sounds like a technique one would (mostly) use in the "final polish" stage, not before... and again, thanks for the info...

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    Just one more addition, which I think completes well the collection:
    "Twilight Chasm" for dimension muted trombones

  • An impressive  piece and a worthy addition to the set (and again with some great string passages ;-)