@Andy B said:
Hi James,
Sounds REALLY good. Nice brass voicings as well. I'm still holding off GS3 - worried about changing whilst on gigs. How did the upgrade go, any problems?
p.s. Hope you still have a job!
Thanks guys...
Here is an update.....
http://www.northernsounds.net/useruploads/img41b575e8521fc.mp3I added some more orchestration last night [[[:D]]]
Still have a job, a few friends don't though [:(] Some games didn't sell as well as they hoped I guess [;)]
Hope you are well, Giga 3 is very good, seems more stable, haven't had any crashes, but there are a few bugs which will be ironed out with some patches I'm sure. Managed to get 360 odd polyphony last night! [[[:D]]] (and thats with a gigapulse instance running).
Dcoscina, the brass is mostly project sam stuff (trumpets, Horns, Trombones, as well as some VSL trombone and tuba's) This was done with the pro edition, but I would say that opus 1 is capable of stuff like this, it's just about using the patches correctly [[[:D]]]