I still don't get the notion that harsh language is warranted, either for Steinberg or for VSL. In the first place, it usually doesn't move people to respond positively to your suggestions; more often, people will react by diggin in their heels. In the second place, it may say more about your own attitude issues and unrealistic expectations than it does about the people you are unloading on. Direct and unvarnished objective criticism is helpful. Ridicule and harsh language? Usually not so much. You might find it helpful to consider how you would respond if someone turned your own words on yourself. There's enough problems to overcome in life without needlessly creating more for yourself.
Thanks, I will try to tone it down on my next frustrating moment. 🤐 My apologies...
Btw, Steve Jobs was known to be harsh with his employees, and managed to create amazing products in the end. Bottom line, if something needed a redesign, it needed a redesign, and he'd send it back to the drawing board...
Well written expression maps for Cubase are critical for utilizing VSL to it's full potential (if you are a Cubase user). There needs to be a way to have 100% coverage of the articulations. I can possibly do it myself, but would rather have a solution from VSL as they are far more experienced in this than someone like me.