Can a horizon product be used in legato mode with the pro ed legato tool? If not, is there a workaround, e.g., is it possible to remap the horizon samples into a custom instrument?
I use patch changes to switch articulations (violins/sordino/ponticello, etc.) within the same midi channel. It’s a bit complicated with things spread out over several machines, but the net effect is to have all the articulations of a particular instrument available on a single staff. While this is fine for an isolated instrument like English Horn. I’d like to add both chamber strings and the woodwind ensembles but need theem to be compatible with the pro ed.
I use patch changes to switch articulations (violins/sordino/ponticello, etc.) within the same midi channel. It’s a bit complicated with things spread out over several machines, but the net effect is to have all the articulations of a particular instrument available on a single staff. While this is fine for an isolated instrument like English Horn. I’d like to add both chamber strings and the woodwind ensembles but need theem to be compatible with the pro ed.