Not sure what this is really about. Hair-splitting and arguing semantics?
Natural volume is a nice feature that gives you a general guideline. It's a time saver. It's there to get you in the right ballpark quickly. But it can't eliminate the necessary task of arranging and mixing music - just like there can never be a go-to channel strip plugin preset that says "apply great professional mix to the track"; and actually does what it promises.
The CC7 of all my VI Pro instances are set to 127 by default. Natural volume is on and I do what I feel that needs to be done with expression and vel-xfade. Everything eventually ends up being rendered to audio before mixing anyway, the good old-fashioned way. Every single project is completely individual in terms of fader volumes, groupings, EQ, processing etc. Sometimes, the results are OK, sometimes not so much, but it's not, and cannot be, the job of a plugin or software feature to make sure that my music sounds acceptable through automation and preset values. Keeping trying, making crappy mixes, improving and continuing to learn - it's all one can do.
No amount of sophisticated software, compulsory and scientifically sound numerical values and creatively named features can relieve you of the necessity of making senseful musical decisions, riding your faders and using your ears. Using one's ears - I realize it's a scary thought, especially in the world of digital DAW music production and the phenomena of "visual" and "numerical" mixing it eintails. But it's just the way it is. Mixing music isn't color by numbers.