@BachRules said:
I want to split a signal coming out of VI, and I want to send one branch of the signal to MIR Pro, and then I want to mix (1) the raw signal with (2) MIR-Dry;
... What are you trying to achieve ...? ![](/emoticons/emotion-8.gif)
MIR seems excellent at simulating what a listener would hear seated in a real room with the players. MIR seems to do this by default.
A different goal of mine is to simulate the sound of orchestra professionally produced for playback on a home stereo system. Offhand, I recall reading that this sound has commonly been achieved by summing a Decca tree above the conductor with close mics. You say here that MIR can't exactly simulate that scheme:
so I'm looking for ways to approximate it. In that thread you recommend: "... you can come close by using a nearby position for the Secondary Microphone."
I have doubts about that, since there's only one Secondary Mic, positioned at only one location in the room, whereas I thought orchestral recording for home listening were generally utilizing numerous close mics dedicated to particular sections and soloists. (?) So I'm looking for ways to simulate those close mics, or at least the end result when they're summed with a Decca tree.
Now I'm thinking you mean 2nd Mic can be used (in conjunction with 1st Mic) to help simulate the sound from a Decca tree itself, while MIR-Dry signals used to simulate the close mics, and that might be all I need, without a need to mix in the raw signal. Before this discussion, I hadn't realized it would be perilous to mix in the raw signal, as that's the regular practice with regular reverbs.
Decca-tree simulation might not be the best for accomplishing what I want; I'm a mixing novice, but I at least know I am not wanting to simulate what a listener in the 7th row would hear, as the experts making CD's for home listening aren't in the practice of putting a mic in the 7th row and leaving it at that.