@MassMover said:
... you can swich the track's channel to ALL, which means that the individial channel information is forwarded to the receiving instrument. So, you do not have multiple midi tracks (one for each articulation) which all adress the same multitimbral plugin, but one single track that controls the multi. You can consider the individual channel information as a third note information (besides pitch and velocity) so that you do not need any further entries (like keyswiches or CCs).Indeed I would find it VERY useful, if there was a way to switch between more than 16 articulations by simply altering one value which is directly tied to the specific note, just as you alter velocity. VI has 144 Cells, maybe 127 possible slots would suffice.
Cubase Expression maps seem to come close to that approach, and maybe I will give the above mentioned Articulation maps PRO a try when I finally upgrade to Logic X....
On Windows with VST's in Reaper, which is all I know lately, it would be possible to write some code that intercepts MIDI from Reaper, translates channel-info into keyswitches, and send it on to VI. Easy code, but not as easy to find someone with the right expertise to implement it. Maybe the same is possible on Mac with AU, and maybe that's what was meant by the suggestion about "Max" above? All this potentially irrelevant to the OP's inquiry, because it would provide legato transitions instead of true multitimbrality.
Something else: under the MIDI spec (as I recall it from decades ago), each CC change goes out on a specific channel, so DAW's are free to set a CC to one value on one channel and set the same CC to a different value on a different channel at the same time. There'd need to be a system for mediating such conflicting data.