@William said:
Cyril is right about that, especially Play as it has many issues.
oddly enough I have a similar setup in hardware, though with three slaves and a master. I have brass, percussion, organ on one, all strings on a second and woodwinds, harp on a third. It is very easy to set up MIR separately on each slave, using the same settings. Since they are all viewable in real time it is simple to adjust instrument positions/EQ/dry-wet, etc. The power on these fairly modest i7 slaves each with 32 gb ram is unbelievably awesome! Such that they are only around 10 % CPU on huge orchestral playbacks. So my suggestion is since you have multiple slaves to simplify the setup in a similar manner, having each with its own MIR.
I already understood it only way in this situation. Unfortunately it has three negative components:
1. If you change microphone settings or something else in one MIR, you'll need to change these settings and in 2nd MIR (slave A comp.) and in 3rd MIR (slave B comp.). First, you can not to change this parameters for all 3 MIRs exactly (equally) using only the mouse and your eyes, you will have to create preset, copy it to slaves computers and open this preset in MIR 2 and MIR 3. This is a triple work.. In addition, you can simply forget to change this parameters in another MIR. 😊
2.On a Slave computer I have a graphical glitch if move any in MIR. This occurs because I connect with my slaves comp. via "Remote Desktop" program. If I want operate a slave computers directly, I must have 3 keyboards and 3 mouse. But it is not convenient. :)
- MIR graphic on master comp. :MIR graphic on slave (Remote Control window) comp. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu8Yh4uVCKo
3. MIR24 PRO + two roompack = about 750€
MIR24 PRO x3 + additional two roompack x3 = about 1600€
We have additional 850€ only for work with one MIR on 3 computer! You have free 850 euros? 😊 No problem. But I'll buy ice cream for my wife. :)
It seems to do the work with MIR in standalone mode on another computer is much easier than to solve these problems.:)