@Rolf_Music said:
The problem to alot of the issues regarding "dynamics" and "conflicts with crossfading" would be solved if we had the option to "automate the in built eq on a matrix level" and if we had a "high pass filter". Including the option to change eq and filters on a patch level. I also think it would be great to introduce a melodyne similar feature which enhances vibrato without changing the patches speed. As a result we would have a VI Pro which is alot more powerful than it is now.
I actually have a few suggestions with screenshots which I will post later in a different topic.
To me, these statements are actually kind of bizarre. You can't get an EQ and automate it? You think 'dynamics' are addressed by 'EQ'? What is the crossfading "conflict"? What exactly in the 'crossfade' - which crossfade? velocity? - is addressed through EQing?
I can sort of see 'filter at the patch level' as long as there is a master filter, but I also think this is thinking of the thing in terms of electronic musi and sound design. I don't get how performance detail is sorted through filters and EQ. Do you not like the sound of VSL's samples?
IE: for a solo instrument I do not velocity xfade, I think there is zero point to it. For a section, reinforcements and cancellations of phase are what happens. So where it occurs in velo xfade it's somewhat related to reality.
I don't think VSL can't be surpassed but I don't think OT is where this is going to happen. In terms of winds, Sample Modeling is the next evolutionary step. I'm not a great strings maven, but I think modeling of instrument behaviors applies, but the sound of strings is a different problem than brass or silver.
And that you're reading the marketing drivel by 8Dio quite uncritically; you see them go on about how they've solved the crossfading issue (no), and then this 'vibrato' purely through these devices of pitch/LFO as in synthesizers is the way to go. It's not exactly revolutionary.
If I can't be persuaded by demos...