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    @LAJ said:

    Another wish from my side ...

    Please allow us to put the Secondary Mic OFF in MIR X -Vienna Instruments .


    Thanks for your suggestion!

    While this can be achieved easily in MIR Pro itself (... just switch off the Secondary Microphone), I can't see this happen anytime soon for MIRx. I know - never say never, but it would mean to re-export each and every IR-pair for each and every instrument, with an acoustic result which wasn't the one I was aiming for when creating MIRx' settings. It would make the handling of MIRx more complicated, and the size of each MIRx Venue would double.

    I'd say, this will stay a MIR Pro-exclusive feature. 😊 Thanks for your understanding!

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi all, today the final of the ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) will be visible on TVs. Since the Title "Rise like a Phoenix" was the Winnertitle from Austria, last year, this years Show will be Sent from Vienna. AND I HEARD ......... that a guy called Dietmar Tinhof was part of the success last year and is again involved in this years Show. I would like to read a little Story from Dietz about the planning this year and the success last year ... maybe in the Vienna backstage stories for June. to Dietz from my side: WOW! Herzlichen Glückwunsch für diese Leistung! BR Lars

  • Thanks for the friendly words, Lars! It's only three hours until the start of the Songcontest's Grand Final, so I think I have to post-pone a more detailed answer. (My vote would go for Latvia, but I guess that Sweden will win ;-) ...). Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    A snapshot from the ESC's official Production Handbook gives you some nice background information (s. attachment).

    ... and in case you're able to read German, there's a recent press release from VSL with further details:

    -> VSL at the 60th Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna (German only)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you Dietz, wow, interesting. I is always good to know how the creators use their own creations. For us this years Contest did not end good ;D ... but I agree that Latvia was the best Song and also very good performed. Some figures are interesting: 40.000 users ... what a number! I did not expect this. Greetings Lars

  • my biggest wish for vienna instrument pro: a better browser!

    this little tiny tinyest accordion menues are a nightmare!

    want to load staccatos of eight players in dimension strings?

    go to:



    flip menue - search dimension strings

    flip menue - search violins

    flip menue - search player one

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player two

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player three

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player four

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player five

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player six

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player seven

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot

    flip menue - search player eight

    flip menue - search regular

    flip menue - search short notes

    search staccato

    add staccato to the right slot


    ok, now you have staccatos... really still want some other articulation too? start from top...

    so it really needs lists we can choose articulations from and add as a multiple selection from a bigger menue in one go. in a readable size! pleeeeeaaaase!

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    @Saxer said:

    my biggest wish for vienna instrument pro: a better browser!

    this little tiny tinyest accordion menues are a nightmare!

    want to load staccatos of eight players in dimension strings?


    I recomment to look more closely into the search option of the patch browser. Referring to your example, you can type: "VI-P RE staccato", you will get filtered exclusively the staccato patches for all Dimension Violins for the regular string mappings.


  • good tip, thank you!

    but wouldn't it be easier to use the computers file system and a drag and drop system? 

  • I would drown kittens and eat babies if it meant that I could have the option to keep the Vienna Ensemble instances always "raised". These little service interfaces that are floating around everywhere are just making me nuts. I'm constantly looking for the right VE instance, minimizing and maximizing things and it's just super-annoying.

    Another option would be to consolidate all of them in some kind of "rack" or panel, so they don't clutter up the whole task bar.

    Actually, here's the deal: give me the option to make those darn little things disappear from my sight, and I will refrain from drowning kittens and eating babies!

  • Hi Dietz, this Future Wish goes to the MIR Team. I bought MIR Pro and X, because I like to open the Second Microphone in MIR only to a Certain Group of Vienna Instruments. A Mix of both MIR X with second Mic and Pro with deactivated Second Mic works best for it. But I would really like it in the future, to see activated MIR X Instruments Inside the MIR Pro Software on their Position WITH A SPECIAL MIR X Icon. That would be better for the visual Mix. Of course it would be another great Variant to have possibilities to open the second mic only for certain Instruments in MIR Pro! In German: Es wäre toll, wenn man bei einer Mir X Aktivierung im Vienna Instrument (und bei gleichzeitiger Nutzung von MIR Pro des selben Raumes) das Instrument in MIR Pro an seiner Position mit einem "VI-MiR X-Icon" sieht, auch wenn der eigentliche Effekt nur über das Vienna Instrument läuft. Das wäre hilfreich, um zu sehen, welche Positionen in MIR Pro bereits mit VI besetzt sind bei denen MIR X aktiviert wurde ... also ein visueller Benefit für mehr Transparenz. Edit: Um das zu vereinfachen könnte man anstatt des roten X in der Mitte des MIR Icons vielleicht die Farbe Blau oder Weiß für das X verwenden und müsste dann aber verhindern, das man dieses MIR Icon an eine andere Position verschieben kann. Davon abgesehen könnte eine De/Aktivierung des 2ten Mikrofons in MIR Pro für bestimme Instrument-Gruppen und Einzelinstrumente hilfreich sein. Trifft in der Praxis vor allem auf 3rd Party Gastinstrumente zu oder auf Instrumente, die bereits mit Hall aufgenommen wurden, wie die Rieger Orgel oder Omnisphere-Sampleinstruments. Danke & Grüsse an das MIR Team!