To test my new music workstation, which I had custom built to run Vienna MIR Pro by my friendly local PC repairman, I downloaded a MIDI file of the Adagietto from Mahler's Fifth Symphony, imported it into Cubase 7, and played it back through a variety of my virtual string libraries. I know that MIR Pro can make VSL instruments sound gorgeous. Moreover, the streamlined implementation of VIP, VEP, and MIR Pro is a charm to work with. However, I wanted to test MIR Pro running as a plug-in on third-party VST instrument tracks in Cubase 7. I tested a variety of my third-party string libraries and thought the results from the following combination of instruments was very satisfying (Cinematic Strings 2.1, Xsample Chamber Ensemble Harp, MIR Pro: Grosser Saal), so I share them here. I am impressed by how VSL products can make third-party plug-ins run more smoothly (via VEP) and sound better (via MIR Pro). Thanks, VSL, for making products that richly reward users!
Link to File on Soundcloud
Link to File on Soundcloud