The snare wires, now I see! 😃
Please allow another question:
Do the parameters "Tempo" and "Speed" mean, that on one hand the song tempo (as set in the Sequencer) and on the other hand the playing speed steer the articulations automatically?
Thank You, Andi!
@andi said:
Hello Heiner!
The Jazz Drums have two A/B switches.
A1/B1 is for playing with sticks or brushes.
A0/B0 is for snares on or off with sticks and variant A or B for brushes.
All four possible combinations are available in the VST Expression Map for the Jazz Drums.
Sticks/Snares on
Sticks/Snares off
... (various additional settings for playing with sticks)
Brushes Var. A
Brushes Var. B
... (various additional settings for playing with brushes)
Snares on or off means having the snare wires attached to the resonant drum head of the snare drum or not.
Best regards,