@Tim B said:
...Was wäre dagegen zu sagen, alle Instrumente Logic intern zu verwalten, sprich, alle VIs in individuelle Kanäle in Instrument Strips zu ziehenm um die volle PlugIn (VST, AU) Kompatibilität zu haben?
Hi Tim
Beside the advantages which Paul explained above: VE isn't necessary. I often use the VIs within Cubase without any VE - just as a "normal" VSTi. You also can route and mix all the signals within Logic because Logic is a host as well. Maybe it is easier for you to start without VE for getting more practice with the VI. If you are closer to the VI and its use you will maybe lucky also "to have VE handy".
So for starting with VSL...
I propose to create a sort of basic organisation within the VI for a faster workflow. This allows you to exchange instruments and to create the wanted template in a short time.
Further, if you got a mixer setup within logic - let's say for the strings - save it for a next project.
The recipe is to think in modules which will allow you to be fexible and to collect orchestra templates in a short time later on.
But one thing you always should take into account: Getting such modules and Presets needs time. So be a bit patient. Don't forget that you can listen today to demos which are produced by members with 10 and more years of experience (...including me).
Later on you can use these presets and experiences within VE.
As I mentioned above: An advantage of VE is the creation of whole orchestra modules (pdf) >>
load them and play it just with the correct mix and samples inside VE...
Followed by: the creation of a whole orchestra with such modules... Those modules are easier to handle with VEs than with just Logic.
(The link above - a pdf - shows the idea of such modules but it also gives you some hints how to get a good mix of an orchestra. It probaly helps to understand the meaning of VE in a better way as well. Unfortunately it is advertising in the mean time. Sorry for that reason. But I don't have another and neutral paper about this theme.)
Hope this helped a bit