In general, it is not very good to use RAID drives for samples. Putting the libraries on the drives separately will allow you to utilize the parallel access of your drives without the need for block synchronization.
@MS said:
In general, it is not very good to RAID drives used for samples. Putting the libraries on the drives separately will allow you to utilize the parallel access of your drives without the need for block synchronization.
pease give us figures ? give us a template so we can try it on our various configurations !
I have been using Raid 0 for my samples since year, all the bench I have done so far are showing that they load much faster on a raid 0, more you have drive in the raid 0 faster it is.
The only thing with raid 0 is if you have a problem with one drive everithyng is lost, so you must have a backup of your lib on a HD
If you RAID the drives, all heads need to synchronize for data load. Thus, your access time per sample will be the minimum of one disk's access time, while having the samples on different disks will allow all drives to seek to different samples independently. It gets a bit messy with library distribution over the drives however, since it is hard to evenly spread out a library across several drives.
How about you test yourself?
One interesting test would be to use IOMeter and set it to 100% random access with 16k block reads. This simulates sample streaming and loading rather well. Test it on a single drive and then the RAID respectively. Then multiply the IOPS result with the number of drives for the non-raided test, and you'll get a decent estimation of (theoretical maximum) performance.
@MS said:
How about you test yourself?
One interesting test would be to use IOMeter and set it to 100% random access with 16k block reads. This simulates sample streaming and loading rather well. Test it on a single drive and then the RAID respectively. Then multiply the IOPS result with the number of drives for the non-raided test, and you'll get a decent estimation of (theoretical maximum) performance.
You forgot to divide by the age of my mother and multiply by the age or the captain ! LOL LOL LOL
Iometer does not exist for Mac
To do a real test with VSL will be to make a template and load it on different configuration. The problem is there is no error message when you ask to load something that you do no own ! You just get an empty instrument, and as this instrument is empty it will load very fast !!!!
Can you add an error message when you cannot find an instruments ?
You have partial answer, on my 12 core I can run :
Logic with a very heavy score and 97 vi + 3 input + 2 x K4 + 1 x omnisphere
I have propose to test your a sample of your song when I return from holiday after the 25 th