@MS said:
How about you test yourself?
One interesting test would be to use IOMeter and set it to 100% random access with 16k block reads. This simulates sample streaming and loading rather well. Test it on a single drive and then the RAID respectively. Then multiply the IOPS result with the number of drives for the non-raided test, and you'll get a decent estimation of (theoretical maximum) performance.
You forgot to divide by the age of my mother and multiply by the age or the captain ! LOL LOL LOL
Iometer does not exist for Mac
To do a real test with VSL will be to make a template and load it on different configuration. The problem is there is no error message when you ask to load something that you do no own ! You just get an empty instrument, and as this instrument is empty it will load very fast !!!!
Can you add an error message when you cannot find an instruments ?