Hello Dietz,
@Cyril said:
I am more and more happy with MIR, the sound is GREAT
Oh, thanks - so you don't want to give it back any more? I was already wondering ...
I have said I was giving it a chance and waiting for the new version.
Today my tests show :
- If I use only Event input, even with a reduced template, I get big clacks,hanging notes, notes not played in time...with my test song
- If I split my big 99 instruments template using IAC and Event input I get just a few clicks with my test song (settings : in Logic 1024 and buffer=large, in VSL buffer=0) If in VSL I set buffer to 1 the IAC and the Event midi are not in sync
it looks like I have plenty resources left on my 12 core as it is at the maximum of 65% cpu load, do I need to buy more memory ?
It should be good instead of getting clicks, pops,clacks ..... to have a message, saying "you dont have enought memory" " your disk are too slow, "your buffer setting in Logic are to small" ....
You should produce guidances, I spend days testing with different buffer sizes, different configurations !!!
To split the load I have try to put my strings as VI in Logic and to root the audio into MIR I could not use more than two instruments !!!!
I can use also my 8 core, but I have no idea how to use it with only one license of MIR and there is no question I spend another 750 euro to get a second license, You should allow 5 licenses like VE PRO.
Why do you have to return the sound back to Logic ?
I am going to experiment VSL with Finale, it is starting badly, I cannot install the trial version I get an error message ! Support at Finale did not find a solution yet
As we say in French, the ball is in your camp, the sound is great but it is not normal to have clicks, clack, pops, missing notes, notes lates, hanging notes
Do you have any idea when the new version will be available ?