I suspect you assume people actually read license agreements, before making their purchase.
While recommended, it could just be bad for business.
Could scare VSL customers away.
I particularly like the part about you and only you, may use your Vienna Symphonic Library.
- No, your music business partners may not use your VSL.
- No, your children may not use your VSL.
- No, your best friend who happens to be a better keyboardist than you, may not touch your VSL.
Worst case scenario you've spent 14,000 US dollars on your Vienna Instruments, and only you may use them.
So I know this studio owner, we'll call him Mike.
He has a studio neighbor, we'll call him Steve.
One day Steve drops by while Mike is fooling around with VSL.
Steve, having great great ears, likes what he hears.
Mike tells him it's software.
Steve asks if he may give it a try?
What would you do?
- Tell Stevie Wonder NO, sorry, can't?
- Or ask him to have a seat, while you enjoy listening to him explore?
I know what Mike did...
Iscorefilm, I don't know which came first: Stealing Software or Unreasonable License Agreements.
But I do hope you score alone, as no one else is allowed to touch your VSL.