Okay, so VI Pro 2.0 is killing my CPU.
I have not been as good as I should with using EQ and saturation etc. but I started using them when VI Pro 2.0 came out. Therefore, I thought that my use of many plugins was killing my CPU. But after testing everything with and without extra plugins, buses, reverbs, and any combination of things.. I saw no change.
THEN I found the culprit! Just loading multiple VI Pro 2.0 instances instantly causes my CPU usage to jump tremendously. I'm monitoring it in the task manager and the resource monitor in windows. It's bad all around. I wouldn't mind if it was just the task manager, but I can't load NEARLY as many instruments as I did before. I'm currently using about a 65% sized template compared to my old one and I've reached my limits. With VI Pro 1.0 I had many more instances (in some cases double) and I was using less CPU than I am at it's worst now.
Is there any more news than the private testing version listed on here? I wish I had known this was VIP 2.0 earlier to report these results but I've been very busy with personal matters and the holidays.
Thank you,