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    @Miki Mart said:

    nobody is more twat than HZ, so everybody is entitled to trifle with a few lousy "ostinati" and other "grain drying on the stalk" put together in a low frequencies' soup, that to-day spells "Modern Soundtrack". I'd love to say more, but it is not my intention to bother you any further. 

    No, please bother me further.  I like it.  That's a good point about solo instruments.  How often do you hear that today?  In order to have "class" a gigantic orchestra must be used, constantly, with strings smeared all over block chords like excrement in a child's playroom.

  • Great points Miki Mart and great references. It's easy to forget the talented composers that made their living primarily on TV like Mandel, and especially Rose (my favourite). As far as Ennio, Johnny and Nino are concerned, these were guys that did not have access to symphonic forces a lot of the time back then, but were still able due to sheer talent to articulate so much with so little (the Man with the Harmonica example). When finally they were offered the 80-piece bands, they showed what they could elicit from them as well (incidentally Chinatown also features an ad-hoc chamber ensemble).

    If deaf people cannot agree that older instrumental/orchestral film-music was infinitely better than today's offerings in every respect, perhaps they can concede that it was infinitely more varied.

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    @Errikos said:

    As far as Ennio, Johnny and Nino are concerned, these were guys that did not have access to symphonic forces a lot of the time back then, but were still able due to sheer talent to articulate so much with so little

    This is something that makes me think about how limitations are very inspiring to creativity.  Jean Renoir said that if he had no limitations, he wouldn't know where to begin.  And yet everyone always tries to obtain no limitations.  Perhaps in the future, when people have no limitations, they will just sit and think, "Yep, I could do that.  No reason to, really.  But I could."  

    Anyway, I also was thinking of some great scores of the past that had severe limitations on what was available, and this resulted in better scores than what you would hear from the most gigantic, unlimited ensemble possible.  For example - Jerry Goldsmith on "Thriller" and the "Twilight Zone" - he used chamber scoring, and created classics that are better than almost anything he did later, except of course for Star Trek, which was where he was allowed anything he could dream up , and created a vast, majestic masterpiece.  Or  Roy Webb, on the Val Lewton series of films from the 40s.  He could use only small string ensemble, four brass, one percussion and five woodwinds.  So he had the woodwinds double different instruments, and used various chamber scoring effects to create some of the best music done in Hollywood movies at that time. 

    Anyway, it is important to use limitations, as they are often the mother of invention!

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    @William said:

    Anyway, it is important to use limitations, as they are often the mother of invention!

    And by 'limitations' of course we are referring to limited resources; not limited imagination and/or limited integrity.

    All of you D.J.s and co(m)py-pasters out there... Do you hear this loud enough?!!

  • Garritan have "proudly" released their Instant Orchestra - for instant composters I guess, no percolation of material is necessary... Claims:

    "Everything is pretty much orchestrated for you and ready to go...", "The library does not assume ANY prior knowledge of scoring music or orchestrating"(!!!!!) "A giant step in creativity"(!!!!!!)

    And just as the chimpanzees were hopping and salivating... "Just add Imagination!". Oooooooohhhh, must they?..... Who do you think you're talking to?...

    With this and other such marvels of contemporary creative apparatus, I put it to you; how can Modern Film Music not be better than the decaying, analogue, talent-based music of the past?...

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    @William said:

    That is disturbing.  It is nothing but commercial pandering.  Talk about "taking the low road"!  

    BTW Errikos, I admire how you have as your logo a philosophical statement against 99% of modern film music.  Not to mention your deliberate typo "Composters."  I congratulate you on your Extreme Curmudgeonliness. 

    Indeed, soon enough the words musician and discernment will have lost whatever meaning they had left. 

    By the way, why don't you also don an appropriate signature here Bill?

  • Do we realy need that type of talk on this site ?

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    @jsmit72 said:

    Do we realy need that type of talk on this site ?


    Well, yeah, actually we do.  It kind of keeps things in perspective don't you think?  Why don't you come and join in our "Reindeer Games" there Smitty.

    Say William, I think if our humble moderator were to subtract two posts for every post you delete you'd be at like negative 5,000 posts right about now. 

    BTW, Happy New Year all![<:o)][B][D]bb

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    @jsmit72 said:

    Do we realy need that type of talk on this site ?

    I think the question should be "Does film-music really need composeurs that cannot put one musical note after another without using software?"

    @jasen: Happy new year to you too mate [8]

  • I used to think North Koreans were insane, boring bastards.....

    Until I watched Extreme Couponing from the USA. Hahahahaha! Those Yanks are ffffffffucking wierd.

    Happy New Year...but don't expext too much out of 2012. Could be disastrous. 

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on