On BOTH Event Input plugins, I added the Utility-I/O and set it for output 1-2 (clicking on the radio button to light it up), and then Bypassed both.
This is what I did:
To test things out, I started with a new, blank project. I followed the advice of poster Cojoncio in this thread and got things to work -- at least for a while. As stated, what I did FIRST was set up a VE Pro instance as a multi-timbral software instrument and then add an additional 15 tracks, and SECOND add ANOTHER multi-timbral software instrument, but instance the Event Plugin (instead of a VE Pro instance) and set it to MIDI in 2 (which your directions in the Manual do not discuss), THEN I get the full 30 channels (since I reserve channel one on both Instruments 1 and 2 for the VE Pro and Event Input plugins), and they work properly. In other words, I had TWO groups of 16 tracks, the first 8 labled "inst 1"; the second labled "inst 2". The VI Pro instances within VE Pro were set to MIDI In 1 and MIDI In 2, and each instrument was properly set to its own channel, e.g., MIDI 1, channel 2, MIDI 1, channel 3, MIDI 2, channel 2, MIDI 2, channel 3, etc.
I then tried to add additional tracks by adding additiona AU instances. First, I tried to use just the Event Plug in to create my additional groups of 16. That didn't work, as explained below, so then I decided to just duplicate what I had done to get the first 32 track, but use MIDI In 3 and 4.
I first tried to get a THIRD group of sixteen by setting up the multi-timbral software instrument, by instancing the Event Plug-In only, but found that when the green Event Plugin window opened there was nothing to Assign it to.
So I tried another approach. I tried duplicating what I had done with the first set of 32 tracks, but using MIDI IN 3 and MIDI In 4:
Again, the procedure was:
1. Software multi-timbral instrument - VE Pro with 16 tracks
2. Software multi-timbral instrument - Event Plug-in Assigned to the first instance in the VE Pro Server (shows up as "[1]"), Input to MIDI 2, an additional 16 tracks gained (32 so far).
3. Third Software multi-timbral instrument - VE Pro with 16 tracks (I now have a total of 48 tracks) (unable to assign to MIDI 3 when the VE Pro popup appears, unlike Event Plug-In windows). ==> I cannot figure how to assign to MIDI In 3 for this AU.
4. Fourth Software multi-timbral instrument - Event Plug-in Assigned to the second instance in the VE Pro Server (shows up as "[2]"), Input to MIDI 4
5. Added Utility-I/O Plug-in to 2 and 4, above, clicked radio button to activate output, and Bypassed.
6. Added VI Pro instances within VE Pro and assigned to MIDI 1, 2, 3, 3. I had trouble here, because one of the VE Pro windows did NOT have the VI Pro instances I had set up in (3) above -- the second VE Pro instance. So I added ADDITIONAL VI Pro instances and set them at MIDI IN 3 (for the second VE Pro instance).
I recorded a short strip of music in a Region. I played the Region in 1, 2, 3, and 4. For groups of 16 1, 2 and 4, in each case, ALL instrument volume meters in every track (i.e., in each group of 16) showed a signal in the small meter that appears at the beginning of each track, and I could hear sound in the track being played. All 16 lighted up at once in each group. So in the 1, 2 and 4 groups of sixteen tracks, it appeared to work (I could hear the Region played).
In 3 (the one with the second VE Pro instanced), the track in which I inserted the Region with MIDI notes showed the meter at the beginning of the track working, but I got no sound. Also, NONE of the OTHER instrument 3 tracks showed activity in the meters. In other words, the other 15 tracks showed no sign of activity.
When I opened the VE Pro Mixer windows for 1, 2, 3 and 4, and then opened up the VI Pro instances I had added within each, I was ABLE to play the keyboard window with the mouse and hear sound. In other words, until I tried to record and play something,it appeared that all was well in each of the 64 tracks.
At some point, ALL tracks STOPPED sounding and there was SILENCE,
even though I had not changed any of the setup. It had something to do
with playing the music. Even the FIRST set of tracks did not work.
HOWEVER, when I opened up individual VI Pro instrument instances within
VE Pro the keyboard still played when I used the mouse and I could hear
At the present time,I don't know how to set the SECOND instance of VE Pro to MIDI input 3, and am generally at a loss as to how I am to exceed the limit of 32 tracks.
System: OSX 10.6.8. 2.8 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo IMac, 6GB RAM, VE Pro 9753 (latest version from your website). Logic 9.1.5.
I would be happy to upload some screenshots if that would help. You will have to provide me with an email address or show me how to add a graphic file to one of these posts on the forum.
Karel -- I know you have your hands full. Rather than responding to my specific problem, it would be more helpful to me (and perhaps others), to either AMEND the VE Pro Manual or, better, put together a VIDEO, showing the SUCCESSFUL set up of, say 64 tracks within Logic, making sure to tell us, as Cojoncio did, EXACTLY what specific steps need to be taken and buttons need to be pressed to get the system to work. Part of the problem is language -- this is why pictures of the various steps would be best, then everyone knows what you are talking about.
I have more than abstract interest in this, because I have just ordered an Apple Mini Server for the spefic purpose of handling VE PRO and the Vienna Instrument library. It arrives in a few days.
Thanks for your attention.