@C_Caouette said:
However, this introduced a new problem. All is well as long as the transport ISN'T running. Once you enter record or playback it is hit or miss if it picks up on what you are playing. It also began to cause CPU spikes in Logic which I've never gotten before with VEP...fix one problem get another. 
EDIT: Another pass and I didn't have any more spikes, but there sounds like a 'doubling' of the sound too (you can hear the phasing) during playback. It isn't there when the transport isn't running. All I did was record onto this one track.
EDIT 2: This new issue is only on the EVENT INPUT tracks. Using the track with just the VEP plugin works as expected.
Hello Chris ,
I haven't downloaded/installed VEP5 yet , so I'm speculating here , but this 'doubling' effect & the 'spikes' sound like a MIDI-Loop ,
something that also occurs with Logic when using IAC-MIDI-Busses .
So maybe the same issue occurs here too ?
( For those who are interested how to get rid of the MIDI-Loop issue when using IAC Busses with Logic I've described that a while ago
in another forum : http://www.soundsonline-forums.com/showpost.php?p=119935&postcount=3 )