Hmm, all valid and balancing which is always a good thing.
Free? Well, lets not forget that the features are all dependant on owning VSL libraries in the first place. The software is a vehicle for those products. And part of my comment was actually that I am ready and willing to spend more, on library improvements.
Of the more recent library developments I applaud the full choir, but we are seriously lacking proper divisi string recordings. And I have always wondered why VSL (and other libraries actaully) don't hire a second bunch of violinists to record a REAL second violin section. To me it is as important as recognizing the viola section. EQ just is not enough to create a convincing 2nd section. But beyond this, divisi WITHIN those sections too, is really needed. I think expectations from samples are still ahead (amongst the cognicenti at least) of what they can deliver acoustically at this time. By this I mean that the samples have still a way to go.
I for one would be happy to shell out for a whole new violin library, starting from the ground up. Something perghaps between the sizes of Appasionata and Orchestral Strings. We don't (at least I don't ) really need all the FX re-done. What we need are:
Easily switchable articulations (we have this, I just want it better, more of it, easier)
A variety of portamenti, not just one slightly over done option
Better programming of the above so that we don't get flashes of dissonance as samples crossfade
Legatos that endlessly sustain
Divisi (which can auto or not at users demand. Learn from LASS - it sounds pretty real, just unweildy to use)
Switchability between monophony and polyphony (perhaps integrated into a real auto divisi?)
Slightly more generous upper pitch range limits
Greater number of round robin samples for repetitions (4 is simply not enough. And it should be a prime number like 7 so we don't get repeitions of samples in phase with the beat, obvious when you think about it)
Legatos beyond the octave (and poratmenti too)
Legato trills and tremolandi (with full dynamic ranges)
A real, actually different, 2nd Violin section with all the articulations of the 1st (including divisi)
Some sweeter pianissimo registers accross all articulations. It's still very hard to emulate what a real string section can do when you can hear a pin drop in the studio
What we do not desperately need: Surround recordings of sections, Multi microphone options, integrated reverb, harmonisation intelligence, millions of scale runs, crescendos (unless they auto timestretch, again think about VST 3.5 or midi clock or some way of controlloing their length in real time).
I know I am asking a lot. But really, I think VSL should recognize that we composers can simply get bored of using the same string sounds and widen our options (I know I have). A fresh "from the ground up" spanking new String Seciton. I would pay a grand for it if it did all of the above. At least.