@dsilvercoin said:
Is it safe to assume there a VSL bias in the VSL forum, or is it as good as everyone is saying
lol, by all means a valid question. I like spitfire a lot. I've never said that of any other library. DVZ, Garritan, Cinematic, WIVI, EWQL, LASS, Miroslav, and so on... all have commendable traits and weakpoints. I generally find that the pro's are never enough and ultimately the quality is seriously lacking. I wouldn't have invested my money into VSL had I not seriously given it heavy consideration. So yes, I love VSL's product. But I also love Spitfire's stuff. I think it sounds phenominal and is the only real competitor to VSL, imo. So by all means I don't just favor VSL. I really like both oferrings. But every last word from every last user on this thread, regarding the flexability of VSL, is absolutely spot on accurate. That is the primary difference you would find between both library's.
It is true what Lee Blaske said on here. Spitfire does even state on their own site that they do not offer a full library in their commercial products. But that their baseline offerings are primarily best used as add-ons to your existing library.
As far as how to approach buying VSL if you think VSL will serve your needs best...
I bought the Special Edition cause it's all I could afford. However, after using it for a while- I was surprized to find that I want more of things I wouldn't have thought previously. I want more strings all around, I only want the brass sections completely right now, and woodwinds I want sections first, then solo instruments. This is all based on my owning the Special Edition though. If I started without that, I'd go an entirely different route. I prefer the SE route first though. It's a good way to get to know the library and it gives you a good starting point to add from and still have a wide ranging base.
Although every one of us is different and would likely do approach the library in our own way. The most important thing I personally would recommend is Vi Pro 2.0 - As much as I love this library's sound, this piece of software has made my life MUCH easier.
Hopefully that helps you. It's certainly MY experience, so one might call that bias. But my experience doesn't neglect anyone. If anyone ever came out with a library I actually thought was better, I'd buy it. I don't love samples. I love real performers. When I have them, I'll almost exclusively use them, unless when it is better not to, or when additional work is useful. So I'm not glue'd to VSL in that very real sense. But by the current offerings, I see no other choice.
Regarding whether SE would be worth it or not... What can be done with SE dwarfs other companies full library's imo. (With the exception of the full private Spitfire range anyway).
P.S. On the bias point. This forum sees people ask what you have from time to time. And each time, several people reply. By all means, VSL owners are happy with VSL. [:D]