I had to to forcibly disconnect an instance because when I closed my cubase project the VEP remained connected localhost. once its forcibly disconnected, i connect it, but the engine doesn't light up. I'll click on the engine light and VEP will hang for several seconds. If I'm lucky, or if the instance wasn't a forcibly disconnected one, the engine will start correctly. but with my forcibly disconnected ones, vep will hang for a while and then return to the unlit state. this is annoying. Either VSL, East West or Steinberg is at fault here.....
VEP engine start/stop issue
It might be that I wasn't waiting long enough. I loaded up the new build, encountered the same problem, but this time I didn't touch anything after VEP stopped hanging. although vep stopped hanging it took another 30 sec or so and then suddenly illuminated. Still, its odd that the engine doesn't start on its own.
There is a serious bug here. When I close my cubase project, the VEP instance remains connected localhost. When I close the cubase the app , the VEP instance remains connected localhost. I complained to east west about this a while back. The asked me " is this issue now resolved?" . Apparently it isn't.
any progress? It seems that this issue is cause by VEP not disconnecting when a project is closed. interestingly enough, a VEP mframe will preserve the error by saving. For instance, lets say i close my Cubase project and the instance remains "connected localhost" as usual. I save the metaframe, and reload the metaframe. The Instance will load and STILL say "connected localhost". The reason I don't force disconnect is that the instance is rendered useless and the engine wont start after its been forcibly disconnected. However, if you load a viframe preset into the "connected localhost" instance, this will remedy the issue. Its something fishy with PLAY, I'm sure. I've just had too many issues with PLAY in the past. If this was happening with regular VSL instruments I'm sure you would have heard about this glitch by now. Thanks -Andrew
My temporary solution is to manually disconnect the VEP instance everytime. However, when reconnecting it takes a long time for the engine to start. like 30 seconds to a minute where i'm wondering if it will start at all. A good feature to include in VEP5 would be some kind of info screen that tells us VEP is still active and trying to start the engine. The windows activity wheel stops spinning, so it leaves the user with the assumption that the VEP engine failed to start.