How big is your project that takes 10 minutes to be able to play with?
Although I am very excited with the VI Pro2 (Amazing job Vienna! ), I have to say that the problem with the clicks/Asio spikes for the first 5-10 minutes when loading a Vienna Instrument Pro still exists.
Again, what happens is, when I load VI Pro for the first time I get random clicks/Asio spikes within the 5-10 minutes after loading it.
No CPU spikes, no DCP latency spikes. Only happens with Vienna Instruments Pro. I have a huge array of VSTi's (among them PLAY which is not renowned for its stability) and I don't get this behavior with any of them . Again it is not performance related. Fortunately, when the 5-10 minutes have passed I no longer get the spikes. I would really appreciate if anyone else who has the same problem chimed in or if anyone has a suggestion.
Thank you
Due to the fact that PLAY used to produce loud burst noises in the past if you tried to play while loading, I have learned to wait for samples to load before playing. But I think you've got a point, there's GOT to be some background activity going on when this is happening because after a while it disappears and I can playback a 30instrument arrangement without a single click or pop and with very low CPU consumption.
For what it's worth,
I tried running Vienna Instruments Pro 2 in standalone mode. This yielded the same results. That means that this is not something relevant to my sequencer (Cubase 6) as it also happens when in standalone.
I am really running out of ideas, but I will let you know of further observations in case someone comes up with something. Just want to say once more that this ONLY happens with Vienna Instruments, all my other libraries (Kontakt, PLAY etc do not introduce this problem.
Of course:
Windows 7 64 bit
Dedicated DAW PC, no antivirus installed
Cubase 6.05 64bit
Motherboard: Asus P6T
CPU: i7930
Hard drives: 500GB 7200rpm system hard drive, 3x1.5 TB 7200rpm hard drives. Vienna Sample Library is installed in one of the 1.5 TB hard drives with 64MB cache.
Video Card: Asus 9400 GT Silent
Audio interface: RME UFX, latest software (but same problem used to happen with RME Multiface and TC Electronic Impact Twin).
I have to mention, that I used to have the same problem on a Toshiba Windows laptop running Windows XP in the past.
It is very peculiar because, after 2-10 minutes pass, everything runs smoothly. Apart from that, if I close Cubase , restart it and use VIP again, the spikes do not appear. Same when I run in standalone. If I run VIP , close it, open it again, the spikes do not appear. It's just the very first time that I load an instance that these problems happen. And it happens even with one single instance, there is no difference if I add 1 instance or 100. Even if I have 50 VIP in some projects (sometimes I do), after 2-10 minutes everything runs smoothly.
Another thing to note is that when the spikes happen, Windows Task manager shows nothing wrong, and DPC latency checker reports perfectly normal values like nothing happened.
Hope that helps, if you need more info, I will be glad to provide you with it.
Hmmm... Yes it definitely happens in Standalone. I also thought Cubase had something to do with it but I ran it Standalone and in VEP 5 standalone and still the spikes occured.
I will try to disable the ethernet controller but I am almost sure that this did happen in the past when I had the ethernet controller always disabled. Same thing on my laptop. Always had ethernet controller disabled and it still happened.
Plus, DPC latency checker shows very stable and low values around 100μs
But I'll give it a try. Thank you. Any other suggestion that pops in mind I will be happy to try as this may seem like a not so important matter but it gives me a hard time because I give presentations/tutorials with VIP and spikes are never good for people to see/hear.