Just starting using VE Pro inside Pro Tools. But there's something that really blocking my workflow when using multi-instrument.
I'm using Instruments tracks with no insert and connect it to one main VEP instance on another instrument track
You can only solo the instruments tracks, there's no option such midi solo or by-region solo like in other DAWs. And if you check the solo exclusion feature on the VEPro track, you'll here every channel on that instance of VEPro when soloing.
So if you want to solo a midi region you have to route every VE Pro channel in an instrument track by using different audio outputs (so the Inst track act as an Aux track). But that's not how I want to use VE Pro cause I want to mix everything in VEP not in PT.
So, is there any PT-VePro users here that have any other suggestion?
I d'like to start using PT for midi but that's really not possible until I solve this problem.