I am working on a series under a deadline. I have Vienna Ensemble pro running and was trying out a demo of Vienna Suite within the projects. The License expired, and now I can't open up my projects in Pro Tools. I keep getting an endless loop of error messages from elicense center saying the license is expired etc... I removed license from the control center, but still have the same problem. Need support right away. Ideas?
[SOLVED] Need Help right away!!
Hello Ducasse,
I have sent another demo license. You could have also uninstalled your Vienna Suite with the included Uninstaller.
Remember that you cannot use the Vienna Suite in any commercial production, as this is just a demo license.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hi Paul,
Hi Paul,
Thank you for sending that! This allows me to open most projects. On one I am still getting an error message- I think this one is because I used an instance of Vienna Instrument Pro and that demo must be expired?... Would you mind sending me a demo activation for that as well? I will just remove them from my project and re-save so I can open them..I understand about the limitations of the demo- I was just trying them out within the projects and then got stuck.. I guess I do not understand the demo period. Is it set for 1 month like elicense says, or 90 "starts". Quite honestly, 90 starts disappears really fast for me- just opening one project used 10 (I guess it counts one for each instance).
I got it sorted. I downloaded a demo license for VI pro and was able to start the session and remove that instance. I guess Ensemble Pro came with VI Pro demo?
Could you explain the 90 start/ time period demo policy so I am clear? Is it 90 instances that can load total (starts) or is it a month long demo?
Also, where can I find the uninstaller for Vienna Suite for OSX?
Thank you for the support in this..
Hi Ducasse,
You can recharge the demo starts of our software demo licenses as often as you like, within 30 days. Simply click "Validate License Usage Periods" in the eLCC software.
The Uninstaller for Vienna Suite is in "Applications" => "Vienna Suite" on OS X.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support