Trying hard to follow this thread but my brain hurts and I've lost the plot.
I hope the guys at Vienna know just how utterly confusing the whole Meta Frame, Server, Preserve, Unpreserve, Couple, Decouple etc situation is for non orchestral template guys who work on several utterly different projects a wee (sometimes in a day).
And it doesn't matter how many times you revise the manual. It's still confusing.
I'll admit it's beyond me and I use it every day.
I'm not surprised to find that Civilization doesn't really know what's going on under the hood and has experimented until he found a way to work that suited him.
That's exactly how I work with VEP. I don't really know how it all works but I can get around it.
The whole Decouple, Preserve and Unpreserve situation and how they effect the host's saving status is just to confusing for a mere mortal.
I HAVE to save every project individually. I am producing 60 plus finished masters a year at at any time I need to recall and change a line in any one of those tracks going back 4 years. If the correct Metaframe (or whatever it is) does not load then I am in deep trouble.
So Civilization let me understand something...... if you keep using the same Metaframes or Instances then what if......
1 You used a BFD kit in a song and then a year later you changed that kit because you wanted a different sound. What happens when you load the older track?
From reading your posts it seems you save all the Metaframes with individual project names. So you would be saving a 32bit and a 64bit for every project.....correct?
That would explain the recall thing.
In short I'm assuming that you always run decoupled and diligently save your metaframes.
Just trying to get a handle on a better way to work.