In preferences 32 channels per instance. When open Server64 - 32 outputs, all ok. As connect to Cubase6 on other mac - 6 outs - when I open "VST Instruments" panel for activate additional outs for VEPRO VST3, I see only 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 and nothing else..
Best regards,
OSX 10.6.6 on both macs,
VE PRO 4.1.7846 in demo mode
Cubase 6
Imac CoreDuo2.8 + MacBook CoreDuo 2.16
VE PRO 4.1.7846 OSX - only 3 stereo outs per instance - BUG?
Either you do not have all outputs of the VE Pro Server Interface VST enabled in the Cubase VST Instruments rack, or the amount of audio outputs is set to 6 in the VE Pro Server preferences on the Cubase system. These preferences apply to both the server and the plugin on the same system.