Feeling very confused as I haven't been able to make Reaper host Vienna Ensemble Pro properly. I'm running Reaper on my master computer. My slave computer has a VEPro server instance running.
Back in Reaper I create a track and insert the VSTi Vienna Ensemble Pro. The server interface of VEPro starts up fine, allowing me to connect to my slave computer. From this point on things go wrong. I believe the idea is that a new window with the Viennna Ensemple Pro GUI should show up, allowing me to operate and load sounds on my slave computer. But no such window will appear. I can only access some generic GUI with strange faders, not anything like VE Pro is supposed to look.
I saw somebody in the Reaper forum posted about this problem back in August last year. I would have thought such a thing would have been sorted by now. Or did I go wrong somewhere?