I'm wondering though if someone could help me make a little more sense of how to use these. What I get is that if I select a Preset, it uses a lot more memory than a matrix because it's loading all the instruments for that preset into memory. And then if I click on Matrix Assign, I can see all the Matrices for that preset and assign them to my channels.
But since I could just as easily assign each of those instruments into the separate channels without going to the Preset first, and I still have to click on each of those instruments that the Preset loaded to assign to the channels, what good does the Preset do for me? Are there settings that come with the presets that aren't there when I just select the instruments from the Matrix view directly without going to the Preset first? Or is it just a matter of having the instruments load all at once instead of having to wait for each mouse click while loading instruments?
Talking about clicks....Suppose I like to start in the Matrix view. Is there a way to get it to default to that when I go into Vienna Ensemble?
As to patches, what I see patches as is a way to fix problems with articulations missing in a matrix. For example, if I select guitar, it only plays short notes, so I have to go to the patch and double click on the sustained notes, and then the guitar is sustained. Is that basically what the patches are for?