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  • Just got the information, that the Vienna Key is included in the Package.

    Well done.



  • I got mine this week and it couldn't have come at a better time.  I'm working on a film score where realism is key and having all these libs will benefit me.  I already own Vienna SE Extended and SE PLUS, Appassionata I, BRASS II Extended plus a whole buncha downloads as well but I do hear the difference between the SE instruments and DVD libraries.  I'm running my HD from an external enclosure (just pop it in and it works) although it's only going through FW400 and I do have an e-SATA port that I ought to hook up once I get a PCI-e eSATA port for my Mac Pro.  Otherwise I could just pop it into one of the ports in my Mac Pro and take out a lesser used HD and put that into the enclosure....

    Not to sound negative but there's soooooo much on this Exploration Kit that it's a bit daunting.  I'm glad we have 180hours to go through it because there's a million articulations and instruments.  I particularly like the upbeat articulations which I used on a cue I recently wrote.  

    Dynamite stuff.

    p.s.  if I ever want a full license for this, do I have to get them through Best Service or can I buy them from VSL?  Obviously I wouldn't need the DVDs although I suppose a back-up wouldn't be a bad idea....


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    Hello David,

    Glad you like our samples 😊

    Of course you know that you cannot use any of these unlicensed sounds in any of your work. Just making sure.

    If you´d like to order, you can always choose where to order. Right now, our holiday offers let you create your own bundles..... might be worth a consideration.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • They also had an eSATA external solution, but the price was a little bit over the top IMO. Also, these eSATA devices come with a different connector compared to the standard SATA and without special slotbacks for the motherboard/case I have no clue how to adapt to them. But if you say, FW400 works, I think USB 2.0 should as well, at least for the trial phase.

    Since the christmas deal is open until January, we may have some time to decide which combination works best. For the libraries that I´ve been 95% sure they would suit my needs well, I directly ordered a 4 piece package right away with the HD. That way I hope to get enough experience until mid January to decide which free extended library to choose. Without knowing I think Solo Strings or Apassionata extended might be a good choice, but let´s see.

  • Hi Paul.  Actually thanks for letting me know about that.  I will only use the libraries I own on this project. 

    Season's Greetings!


  • Hi all: A question on authorizations: I have an augmented SE/download setup with VI Pro. I bought the Exploration Kit and am preparing to install the SATA disk. I want to keep the systems separate, activated by the separate keys. Will the new (Exploration Kit)Vienna Key recognize my VI, VE, and VI Pro software that is already installed? I assume that I can't install 2 instances of VI Pro in one applications folder (I'm running Macintosh), although maybe VI and VE are OK without authorization. Any help or clarification is appreciated before I install and try to run it. Thanks, Steve

  • I´m in an equal situation.

    Had the Special Edition installed on an internal disc and didn´t want any interference with the exploration kit.

    But it is very easy. You don´t have to install new Vienna players.

    The only thing you have to do is plug in the new drive and run the Vienna Directory manager.

    Add all folders with the instrument libraries into the Directory using the Browse function. ( I only left out the progarn files and manuals, that also come on the HD, since I didn´t want to confuse the Vienna player with that, maybe they don´t do any harm at all either).

    All Done.

    I didn´t test the special 180h Vienna Key yet. Because of the X mas deal I got me 4 new libraries, that actually run on my standard  Vienna key, but the samples are streamed from the new exploration harddisc. With the whole library on it, there´s no need to copy and install the DVDs ( this alone maybe worth some etxra Euro for it :)  )

     Works out of the box, no problems.

    Hope , that Murphy´s Law doesn´t proove me wrong, as soon as I plug in the 180h  Key :) , but I really don´t expect any issues there.

  • Yeah, I installed the SATA HD in one of my ports on my Mac Pro and use my standard Vienna key for purchased libraries but use the HD to stream them since my previous VSL stuff was on the same HD as Hollywood Strings and it was too much to stream from one HD.  I think this is a wonderful idea and gotta be honest- if I do get the urge to buy more VSL libraries, all I need to do is get the full license.  I mean, would there be a way to order say, Chamber Strings but get the license right up front and just have the DVDs as back-up?  I don't see why not.  

    Very cool.  Even better than direct download.  No load time nor internet bandwidth worries.

  • Steve, I´m right now testing the exploration kit with the new demo Vienna key.

    Works out of the box, don´t worry. At first start after plugging in the Vienna Key, the VI Player needs some time to check all the additional licensed libraries. Of course go to the Directory Manager as a first step and tell him where the new paths to the libraries on the harddisc are. You can leave your old path ( e.g. to the Special edition installation) right as it is, that doesn´t hurt.



  • Got a nice surprise from Best Service today in my postbox:

    Dimension Brass DVD for completion of the Exploration Kit !

    That´s what I call perfect "After Sales Service.



    P.S.: Of course you need the Exploration Vienna dongle also for installation, but in case you try your regular Vienna Key, the installer will tell you that this is the wrong way :)

  • Thanks for for replies on my questions! I wanted to be sure to buy the kit in the required time frame, but honestly have been swamped with other work (I'm a college prof.) as well as finishing a synthesis project. However, I'm reserving a week in March to really get into he exploration kit. It sounds as though I will have no problems. I'm wondering if I'm also in line for the Dimension DVD over here in USA as part of the kit. That would be wonderful as, ironically, that might be my next purchase if it in fact sounds as good as it seems. Cheers to all. Steve

  • Just ask your distibutor.

    I don´t know if Best Service delivers to the US. If they do, maybe they even include the Dimension Brass direcly on the new harddiscs. My impression is, that they only have a small number of them in stock and copy the HDs more or less on demand.

    Even if not, they can provide you with the DVD and you can install it easily with the library manager.

    I don´t comment on this specific library, because I´m not a good judge at all for brass instruments. Of course I took the chance and installed it, but I´m too stupid to work with the trumpets and the other instruments. But that´s not the fault of the library.

    For me it is much easier to mix strings and woodwinds or match percussion to it and make it sound good.

    My personal advice : Look at the not so expensive libraries like Harps or Elements. They are really nice, top notch sounding and very easy to implement in the arrangement. If possible buy the DVD versions, not the downloads, for reasons of easier upgrade paths.

