Hi every one,
I am about to build myself my own super computer; mainly, to use it as the slave machine for Vienna ensemble Pro, and in the future be able to work relaxed with Vienna MIR.
My questions:
1- RME RayDat or RME multiface II?
2-SAS raid system vs SSD system. A lot of people use SSD here, what about SAS raid or SATA 2 raid?
Thanks in advance for all the help that you guys can give me.
RME RayDat or RME multiface II. SAS raid or SSD?
I used AMD processors for quite a while successfully with no pops and clicks. It is not supported but worked fine for me (don't buy a new amd machine expecting it to work though). I have since replaced it with a much more powerful Intel machine and no longer use the AMD machine for MIR.