Today a strange thing started to happen:
I load a Pro Tools Session. I load a Vienna Ensemble Metaframe. VI's and samples load fine. Everything looks good. I connect the server as a RTAS plug-in and then... Nothing.
Vienna Ensemble Pro, and its different VI's loaded, make no sound or show any meter activity, even if I click on the graphic keyboards in the different VI's GUIs.
But if I load a Vienna Instruments plug-in as an RTAS insert on another aux track inside Pro Tools, and play a sound on this plug-in, Vienna Ensemble Pro "jumpstarts" and all its VI's suddenly works fine.
I recreated the problem and the "solution" many times. Restarts and all that. Same thing.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
Thanks for your input.
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Mac Pro 2009 Dual Quad 2.66GHz 24GB RAM
Mac OS 10.6.4
Pro Tools 8.0.4 PCIe HD2
Vienna Ensemble Pro v4.1.7043
Vienna Instruments v4.1.7043