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  • Hi Kambiz

    Not shure I get the ADAT solution - is that not still the same driver? - so two applications(clients) would still compete the same single-client ASIO driver ?

    But I just found this in the Cubase forum:

    Its a multiclient wrapper - are going to test it.


    p.s Got your PM with link - will comment on PM later :-)

  • Bjarne, you're right, for the setup you have in mind you will need audio hardware with

    a) 64 bit ASIO drivers and

    b) multi-client capability

    The wrapper you have found was mentioned several times already, but I seem to remember that it wasn't 64-bit compatible...? :-/

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • well - basically I´m in a world of shit then. - Driver for MR816 comes in 64-bit yes, but not multiclient.

    Just spend 10G´s on a monster machine  - and spend others buying MR816s earlier...

    Now I am in a good mood !![:@]

    Will MIR pro have some sort of routing into the host sequencer, so it does not need to access the driver itself?

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    You know -  only two years ago, when MIR finally found its recent form, the idea of running it side-by-side with a full-blown DAW on the same computer was a bit ... uhm ... adventurous. 😉  MIR was always meant to be used as stand-alone application on a dedicated computer.

    What you _could_ do now (without spending too much money) is to get one of those inexpensive USB2-stereo-interfaces*) for the exclusive use of MIR. Connect its digital outs to the MR816s, and you're done.

    *) look for 64-bit ASIO drivers and latency numbers that support powers of 2 (i.e. 64 samples, 128, 256 etc.)

    @Another User said:

    [...] Will MIR pro have some sort of routing into the host sequencer, so it does not need to access the driver itself?

    If everything works out as planned - yes.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz - good suggestion

    Already an Echo audio interface hanging around - also with s/pdif, so yes I can use one of them until MIR pro arrives :-)

    Think they are FW - but fortunately I have 2 FW in my new machine, so 1 for the chain of MR816s and 1 for my Echo - just need to check for 64-bit drivers.

    Not sure how this will affect latency and stability though?

    thx alot

  • You could also try ASIO4ALL and see if the latency is possible to work with.


  • After what I know about ASIO4ALL latency is pretty high...

    Anyway - Echo Audiofire does provide 64-bit drivers, so I will probably use that solution, unless Steinberg comes out with a multiclient driver or perhaps the Muliticlient Wrapper will run under 64-bit Win7....


  • I seem to remember that Charlie Steinberg wrote a multi client driver. Perhaps email support to see if they know anything about it?

    Edit; Just seen that you already did this.

  • yes that is the Multiclient wrapper I mentioned. I have just tested it a bit and it works fine on my current 32-bit XP, but not sure if it works under Win7 64 bit.

  • "Not shure I get the ADAT solution - is that not still the same driver? - so two applications(clients) would still compete the same single-client ASIO driver ?"

    Dietz' solution is almost the same (and he is the man who knows everything about MIR ;))

    buy a cheap usb card with digital out and good asio driver and set this as output on MIR. or maybe your mainboard has digital out (herefore easily use asio4all driver!)

    now in cubase you can use a digital input of MR816 (as audio input or virtual instrument). the only thing now missing is a digital cable between the devices ;)

    btw: hi again! i would love to see your monster computer specs :)

  • My upcoming machine is basically the biggest XI-Machine but expanded with some neat things:

    2x 2.93 GHz Intel® Xeon X5670 2x6Cores

    48 Gb Ram

    150 Gb Raptor sysdisk for music, 150 Gb raptor sysdisk for SAP and MC Visual Studio etc. Not dual boot, but as swap disk.

    2x1Tb Raid 0 for Audio

    3x256Gb Crucial RealSSD for sample libraries ( VSL Cube, Imperial and Ivory )

    Hardware raid controller SAS/ATA 6Gb/s for the SSD

    1 Tb HD for other libraries

    HD5450 Eyefinity Graphic card

    Extra TI firewire card

    Everything is passive cooling and dampend.

    Should be able to handle just about anything I throw at it - in fact I feel obliged to share that kind of computer power, so I am going to join some research networks, so that they may use it whenever I am not.

    I am looking forward to get it [:D]

  • wow. do you have your own nuclear reactor for it? that "pc" can be used for weather forecast or the auto pilot of a rocket to mars :)

  • yes - its a bit insane I know.

    I was just getting tired of investing in seperate machines, messing about with networks, MOL etc. - so I decided to get everything on 1 machine and get it right this time. So I hope this beast will deliver for years to come, years where I have a stable workstation and no worries  :-)

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    Wow, that machine is a _real_ beast! May I use it for testing ....? [A]

    @Kambiz said:

    [...] or maybe your mainboard has digital out (herefore easily use asio4all driver!)

    now in cubase you can use a digital input of MR816 (as audio input or virtual instrument). the only thing now missing is a digital cable between the devices 😉 [...]

    Don't laugh - I tried this already, and it works like a charm! Actually it's an absolutely valid solution, with two BIG exceptions:

    1. Most built-in soundcards don't allow for external clocking, thus they have to be the clock-master in a setup like that. You bet that its cheap clock is worse (jitter-wise) than anything used for pro (or even semi-pro) audio systems.

    2. Many built-in soundcards use a fixed sample rate of 48 kHz. They _will_ play 44.1 kHz audio streams, but only on behalf of real-time resampling. This might not be the best possible way to listen to a delicate VSL/MIR-mix. 8-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • mnm - I plan to use an Echo Audiofire 4 - routing MIR to this and then run the s/pdif into one of my MR816.

    However the Echo does not have ext.clock in, so I suppose it has to be the master, and sync the MR816 via the s/pdif ?

    Man, this are going to spell trouble, I know it, I know it, I know it....

    Why oh, why did I not listen to the little voice in my head: Buy RME Buy RME

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    @Sapkiller said:

    [...] Why oh, why did I not listen to the little voice in my head: Buy RME Buy RME

    <shrugs shoulders> ... yes, seemingly this decision would have made things a bit easier ... [*-)]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Wow, that machine is a _real_ beast! May I use it for testing ....? 


    That can be arranged - if its for testing MIR pro with virtual outs to sequencer [;)][:P]

  • no, no, use my machine for that! :) 6 core and absolutely stable. and did i mention: i use rme ;)

    i am hoping the best for MIR pro. the absolute highlight would be the posibility to add instruments directly in cubase and do all the rest in MIR. no virtual midi or audio routing etc

  • The main reason I went for MR816 was because I use Cubase, so the extra tight integration was alluring - and it is nice and working well.

    Also you seem to get more for less with MR816...just not multiclient operation [:(]

    I had the opportunity to do a comparison btw. FW-800 and MR816 - and well not much difference in sound quality of the Mics, maybe the MR816 was a little bit more crisp. Both where stable, but I could get the RME all the way down to 64 samples w/o drop-outs, the MR816 started with dropouts at 96 samples.

    I must admit that I sort of assumed that since the MR816 is supposed to be a professional audio interface, it would naturally have this feature, and I think its shame on Steinberg for not having provided this. 

    I hope MIR Pro will be released some time soon, preferably by august first [A] - and yeah you're right it would be great to have VI proxies in your sequencer.

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    @Kambiz said:

    [...] i am hoping the best for MIR pro. the absolute highlight would be the posibility to add instruments directly in cubase and do all the rest in MIR. no virtual midi or audio routing etc

    I can't promise anything, but there might be a few pleasant surprises for you in the not so distant future 😉

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library