I just bought Ve Pro and it looks like an awesome program! I have one strange problem though.
My main computer (W764bit 8GB) runs sibelius. My slave computer (W764bit) is connected to it via VE Pro (latest version).
I just load one instance on the slave with Play 64bit vsti. I start playback from sibelius and the cpumeter in the Play vsti goes straight up to 150% and no sound is produced. BUT
if I start the playback in sibelius from bar 24+ it will work perfectly!!! Starting the playback from bar 1-23 - not working...
I have tried this on three scores and with different playback configurations. No problems earlier on when I used Midi Over Lan or hardware midiinterfaces.
Any ideas, please?
Regards, Anders
Ve Pro with sibelius
+1 Play work perfect in standalone and plug in in sibelius, but with VEP , the cpu goes to 100°/° and no sound and an horrible noise !!! And I have the latest versions of 3 softwares ?????? !!!!!! My Setup: Mac pro 8 Cpu with Fireface 800 and no problems with DP, Logic with Play in VEP Pro !! Where is the issue with sibelius and VEP ???