Did you ever resolve this?
I am able to reproduce this now, using build 5436.
mac OS 10.6.3
The channels of the viframe were:
1 instance of Kontakt 3.5, routed to 8 outputs
3 input channels (source: outputs 3-8 of Kontakt)
1 Bus
1 VSL VI with a 6 cell matrix - maybe 600megs of ram in use
If I select the instance of Kontakt and the 3 input channels, I can crash the viframe consistently.
WHAT IS DIFFERENT NOW (as compared to before?) - the VSL VI !
When I tested this last month, I did not yet own any VSL instruments -- now that I have 8 big libraries, I am pushing VEP much harder. So yes, I can reproduce this. Did you find resolution?